I’m really terrible at this sometimes

Once again, I’m here for a long-overdue update on where things stand.

A few months back, I had all these ambitious plans for my writing career. Yeah, none of that has happened. I’m still writing. I’m still editing. But it’s a slow process.

So where do things stand right now?

I am re-editing my World in Chains series again. I’ve finished with the first book. This editing is focused almost entirely on tightening prose. I’m still proud of the story I originally put out, but like the perfectionist I am, I just can’t leave it alone. I’m hopeful that this editing will lead to providing the best reading experience possible.

I’m applying this same focus to the rest of the series and to my Sunweaver series. I may actually switch gears and focus on Sunweaver next because it has been way too long since I published the second book in the trilogy (April 2019). I don’t want to leave that series hanging too much longer.

If I’ve learned one thing through this whole process, it’s that I’m really terrible about sticking to my plans. But I am still writing. I haven’t abandoned my readers.

So, now I’m going to give a general outline of what I intend to do, but no specific dates.

World in Chains

The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th books still need to be re-edited. This is probably second on my priority list.


I will do re-editing of the first two books, and then I’ll finally get the third book out into the world.

After that, I’ll turn my editing attention to my next trilogy: The God War’s Chosen.

I have completed drafting a few other series, including one set in the same world as World in Chains, and I’m currently working on another in that world. More details to come later.

As always, thanks for reading.