The State of the Ryan (December 2023)

Somehow, that doesn’t quite have the same ring as the State of the Sanderson, but I’m going with it.

As anyone who has followed this often-forgotten website knows, I’ve been struggling a lot with my writing productivity over the last few years. Blame it on my dad’s death. Blame it on working full time. Blame it on COVID. Whatever the case, I’ve had trouble writing and editing consistently over the last four and a half years.

This year’s updates

I’ve been very scattered this year. I have finished writing two books: the first book in a series covering the Great War that gets mentioned during my World in Chains series, and the first book in another series that covers the origins of much of the fantasy multiverse I’m working on.

I finished re-editing Empire of Chains, and I’m currently most of the way through re-editing Sunweaver.

Next year’s plans

Once again, optimism abounds at this time of year. I’m telling myself that I can finally finish the re-edits of every other book I’ve released and then, finally, release Sunlord, completing the Sunweaver trilogy.

I’d like to say I’ll get around to releasing the God War’s Chosen, but I’ve learned my lesson when it comes to promising too much.

Other than that, I’m going to keep writing and gradually building up my fantasy multiverse. I’ll try to update things here a bit more often, too.